Values a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Has an understanding of Scripture
Leads a prayerful life, participates in the liturgy and serves in various ministries.
is able to witness to the faith by example and pass it on to others.
Has knowledge of, and lives, the beliefs, and practices of the Catholic Church.
Respects and appreciates all of God’s creation
Progresses to the best of his/her ability level
Develops organizational and study skills
Aims to master grade level standards
Welcome academic challenges with confidence
Applies critical thinking and problem-solving effectively
Values technology and applies it according to the Christian values.
Forms and appreciation of the arts
Believes that learning is a life-long process
Writes effectively
Speaks clearly
Listens respectfully
Observe attentively
Is committed to helping others grow and become the person God intended us to be
Is aware of problems in the world
Is eager to give time, talents and resources to those in need
Is aware that choices have an effect on others
Appreciates cultural diversity
Knows and applies strategies for peaceful conflict resolution
Has positive self-esteem
Develops good hygiene and health habits
Makes choices that lead to emotional, spiritual and physical well-being
Demonstrates good sportsmanship
Is trustworthy
Shows respect
Acts responsibly
Displays fairness
Cares for others
Practice good citizenship